
Longe 10H Maize Variety
High yields, ideal for mid altitude, bred with good drought and storage pest resistance. Erect leaves and good lodging resistance. Seed rate: 10 Kg per acre Maturity period: 120 days Yield potential: 3-3.6 metric tonnes.

Maize Seed: Bazooka F1
Double cobber, superior yields in mid and transitional altitude with good grain quality and perfect for silage. Moderate tolerant to Maize Lethal Necrosis (MLN). Seed rate: 10 Kg per acre Maturity period: 130 days Yield potential: 3.6-4 metric tonnes per acre.

Maize Seed: DH04
Produced by Kenya Seed Company. Matures in 80-120 days with yields of up to 24 bags per acre. Short. Drought tolerant. Good husk cover and standability.

Cabbage Seed-Gloria F1, 10g
A uniform growth, excellent round and compact head, good for transportation, with a seed rate of 100g per acre, plant spacing of 60x60cm, maturity of 80 days, average head weight of 5kg and an approximate seed count of 230 seeds per gram.

Cabbage Seed: Baraka F1
High yielding bluish green round heads weighing 4 – 6 kg • Maturity: 75 days • Good field holding capacity • High tolerance to Black Rot, Ring Spot & Cabbage Yellows • Good ground clearance • Yield: 40,000 – 50,000kg per acre

Watermelon Seed: Sukari F1
Maturity: 80 – 90 days • Fruits are oblong in shape • Avg fruit weight is 7 – 8 kgs • The rind is light green with dark green stripes • The flesh is deep red, crispy & firm • TSS 11 – 12 % • Thick rind: Good for long distance transport • Yield Potential: 25 tons/Ac.

Watermelon Seed: Asali F1
A very popular hybrid with oblong shaped fruits and very sweet red flesh • Maturity 85 days from planting • Fruit weight 10 - 12 Kgs • Yield potential 30 - 40 tonnes per acre • Plant vigour very strong with green striped skin • Excellent storage and transportability traits

Watermelon Seed: Julie F1
High yielding hybrid water melon. Oblong skin has green stripes. Seed rate: 500gms per acre. Plant spacing; 120*100cm. Matures in 80-85days. Fruit weight 8-10kg

Watermelon Seed: Sugar Baby
Open Pollinated Variety (OPV), Watermelon Seed

Watermelon Seed: Almasi F1
Hybrid Watermelon Seed

Tomato Seeds: Rio Grande VF
Determinate open pollinated variety Excellent keeping quality Firm elongated fruits with excellent transport qualities Fruit harvesting start; 75days from transplanting Seed rate; 50gms/acre Plant spacing; 60×60 Tolerance to verticillium wilt, fusarium wilt and tomato leaf curl Average yield is 15-17tons per acre

Tomato Seed: Nuru F1
Introduced in 2009, determinate, early maturity, big fruits, high yield, suitable for open field condition, firm fruit, Tolerant to common diseases.

Tomato Seeds: Padma 108 F1
Seed rate: 70gm per acre Spacing: 50cm x 50cm Tolerant to Bacterial Wilt Maturity period: 21days in nursery bed, 65-75 days after transplanting Yield potential: 40 metric tonnes per acre Shelf-life; 21 days after harvest

Tomato Seeds: New Fortune Maker F1
Fruit harvesting start 70-75 days after transplanting Fruit weight 120-130gms Yield potential30-35 tons per acre Shelf life of over 21 days and transportability Seed rate : 50gm/acre Spacing: 60x60cm Aprox.seed count/gm; 250 seeds

Tomato Seeds: Bawito F1
New hybrid tomato from east African seed Bacterial wilt tolerant, 25-30tns per acre. It has very high fruit set ability. Its also very tolerant to drought. ( though this doesn't mean you carelessly deny it water.) It matures early(75days from transplant)

Onion Seed: Red Creole
Well adapted to diverse climatic conditions • Maturity 150 days from transplanting • Ideal onion for the fresh market • Yield potential 16 tonnes per acre • Good storage quality • Deep red colour

Onion Seed: Ruby F1
Hybrid Onion Variety Maturity: 90 days after transplanting

Okra Seed: Pusa Sawani
Open pollinated variety with wide adaptation in many warmer regions. Medium tall plant frame with short internodes and vigour. Green slender and attractive pods with good storage ability. Good fruit setting. Maturity: Harvesting start 40-45 days from planting Tolerant to Yellow Vein Mosaic Virus (YVMV)

Okra Seed: Clemson Spineless
Very uniform and prolific producer • Fruit length 16 cm • Fruit colour: rich green • Maturity: 70 days from planting • Fruits are straight, tapered and 5 angled

Paw Paw Seed-Vega F1
Hybrid Paw Paw Seed