Thank you for visiting our website. Meet our happy, kind and highly qualified team. For ease of finding the right person for the job, we have five departments that will serve you.
1. Crop Production Department.
Led by the operations Manager, Crop Production, this team is dedicated to ensuring that farmers have access to all the crop production inputs that they require. They also provide technical guidance and support to the farmers right from the outlet to the farmer’s field. There are plans to produce our own Seed (Omia Seeds) and that will be under the same department.
2. Animal Production Department
This team ensures that all Animal Nutrition and Health challenges are ably taken care of. The Animal Health and Nutrition Officers work with the Operations Manager to ensure increased productivity for our livestock farmers. The team is also working on producing affordable animal feed for our Farmers (Omia Feeds) that will hit the market in the near future.
3. Commodity Marketing Department.
This Team aggregates demand from market vendors, hotels, schools and exporters and this is provided to our farmers as market for their produce. After sourcing from the farmers, all the produce is cleaned, sorted, packaged under the brand Omia Foods and made available for the mentioned market segments. This team ensures that farmers do not struggle with markets for what they have produced. This team ensures that there is quality, affordable and safe food for consumers. The team of marketing assistants and food scientists are led by our Commodity Marketing Manager.
4. Agricultural Engineering Department
This department takes care of the needs of Crop and Livestock farmers involving water, farmer structures, machinery, equipment and Tools. These include Irrigation Works, Green House designs and construction, Livestock infrastructure, simple tools and other equipment. There are technicians and engineers here led by an Operations Manager.
5. Finance and Administration Department
This team takes care of all our Staff and also financial transactions the company is involved in. We have Human Resource Officers, Accountants, Accounts Assistants here that report the Finance and Administration Manager.
The General Manager works very closely with the operational heads to ensure effective and efficient use of resources that prevents duplication and takes advantage of synergies across the units. This way, we do not lose the goal of ensuring that we provide end to end solutions to the farmer from Agricultural Inputs Access, extension training to Market access. He reports to the Managing Director.
The Managing Director is responsible for operational oversight and also strategic planning for the company. He is also part of the recruitment team when it comes to new members joining in. He manages strategic relationships with stakeholders in the Industry as well as looking for external resources that can drive the growth of the Company. He reports to the Board of advisors.
The Board of Advisors is charged with the responsibility of overseeing the Management. The membership comprises of; Industry Experts, Operational Management Professionals, Financial Experts, Legal minds, Investment Officers and the Managing Director.