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Land Preparation Tips for Farmers

After Enterprise Selection, it’s important that you prepare the land well. This includes;

1. Land clearing: removing vegetation from the previous crop, clearing shrubs and trees that may affect crop growth etc. Simple tools like pangas can be used. For bigger fields, use a bulldozer

2. Ploughing. This involves opening up the land such that it’s loose, well drained and can support seed germination or crop growth. Can be done using simple tools like hoes to use of tractors.
3. Manure application: Collect decomposed manure and evenly spread it in the garden.

4. Harrowing: This is the breaking of hard clods into fine particles that can make good contact with seed or seedlings for easy growth. In the process the farmer also incorporates the organic manure into the soil. The manure is key for soil physical properties such as Water holding capacity, ability to hold nutrients and even buffer soil pH. Hoes and tractors can be used for this.

5. Ridging: Raised beds are good for easy vegetable field management. Makes it easy to carry out other management practices. Spacing influences the sizes

6. After ridging, you can now make holes to receive the seeds or seedlings according to the recommended spacing. Planting fertilizer such as DAP can then be applied and covered with soil before planting the seed or seedling.


3 Responses

  1. My garden is located toward a swamp thus when it rains heavily, some places retain water and the soil is Sandy. Could this affect the production?

  2. Yes Betty! Plants do best in soils that are well drained and aerated. Swampy areas have poor drainage affecting root development and respiration except for a few crops like Sugar Cane, Paddy rice, yams etc. You can make drainage channels to improve on this. Also add organic manure to improve on the sandy nature.

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